
Commission status: OPEN

General Info

  • Will do: Fanart, OCs, real people, ships, nudity, light NSFW, light gore

  • Won't do: Extreme NSFW fetish content, complicated machinery


Payment methods
PayPal: paypal.me/ukarabatova
Boosty: boosty.to/budgieflitter
Sberbank: 4276 7207 5144 9358
Please refer to the image below on the payment via Boosty!
Credits go to Ryukiro

  • Full upfront payment

  • Full refund before I've begun work, partial refund if the work is halfway done, no refund for a finished piece

Time frame and art usage

  • The commission may take from a week up to a month depending on complexity and my schedule; I prioritize the order in which commissions were paid for

  • I usually send progress pictures as I work on the commission, but you may contact me about it yourself via e-mail or social media

  • I will ask you whether it's okay to post the finished piece on my platforms and if you wish to be tagged

  • You may post the finished piece wherever you like; credit is optional but appreciated, but don't claim my art as your own

  • Prices stated for non-commercial use. Pricing for commercial use is discussed with the commissioner (starting with approx. +50%)


Coloring examples


ColoringBustHalfbodyFull body
Sketch$6+ usd$10+ usd$15+ usd
Simple$10+ usd$20+ usd$30+ usd
Render$20+ usd$30+ usd$40+ usd


ColoringBustHalfbodyFull body
Sketch$10+ usd$15+ usd$25+ usd
Simple$15+ usd$30+ usd$45+ usd
Render$25+ usd$40+ usd$60+ usd


ColoringBustHalfbodyFull body
Sketch$15+ usd$25+ usd$35+ usd
Simple$30+ usd$50+ usd$60+ usd
Render$50+ usd$70+ usd$90+ usd


  • Transparent, plain color, gradient, patterns - free

  • Simple, blurred - $5+ usd

  • Complex - $30+ usd

Additional info

  • The prices listed are a base price and are subject to change

  • 2nd character - 100% of the price, 3rd character and more - 80% of the price

  • I can take extra charge for complexity of the commission (detailed designs, complex poses, props, lighting, etc.)

  • Feel free to submit your edits during process


My business e-mail: [email protected]
DM me on Twitter or Tumblr
Commission order form:

  • Title: Commission + [your name]

  • Commission style: chibi, simple, complex

  • Commission type: bust, halfbody, fullbody

  • Coloring: sketch, flat, render

  • Character reference images and info

  • Details: pose, expression, background, etc.

Feel free to discuss the stuff outside of the price list examples or ask me to replicate a style of one of my pieces!